hello world
Hello and welcome to our first official blog post!

I’m Uğur “vigo” Özyılmazel and I’m a software developer and founder of vb YAZILIM. I’ve been writing code since the early 8-bit computer days. I have a long running career for a 47 y/o developer. I’ve spend my last ~18 years with building web applications. Some of them were heavy, some of them were super easy… At the end of day, they were all html outputted web sites.
I learned a lot while building sites, apps and related things such as operating systems, databases, saas platforms and more… My journey started with 6502 Assembly language… Yes, Commodore 64 my first true . Then 68000 Assembly language for coding demos, intros and games for AmigA… I’m still using those awesome machines and there are still tons of new releases!
My curse, my gift… I’ve been building Django applications since 2008. I remember
the version I met Django==0.96
. I witnessed the evolution of Django over the
years. It’s free and open source Python web-framework for everybody! I made
many web apps with PHP back-in days. First time I saw the Django Admin panel
and I crashed! I guess, that’s the most exciting feature! and very attractive…
I made couple hundred web apps with Django over the years. I was working in a University and I injected Python to our team. Sometimes small-mini web sites, sometimes huge, heavy apps… All done with Django…
I heard this term from Kenneth Reitz. He was Python overlord at Heroku back in 2013. Yes, I’m also a polyglot programmer. This means, I know few other programming languages too. I use Python, Ruby, Bash, AppleScript, sometimes JavaScript (not fan of It) and little bit of Golang in my daily routine.
I’m very enthusiastic about learning new languages such as Swift, Rust. Due to my oldskool background, I’ve never had a chance to code in compiled languages such as C, C++. After Assembly, I’ve jumped straight to run-time, script-ish languages such as ASP 3.0 (old, classic), PHP, Perl…
I meet Ruby in 2011 and that that was another ground breaking thing for me. Blending my Python knowledge with Ruby opened my mind… I followed the pioneers of the industry. How they write code ? What are their best practices ? Yes, conventions are always over the configurations!
What about vb YAZILIM ?
Founded in late 2013. Mostly known from smashing hit conferences between 2013 - 2015. We tried to help and support open-source related movements and activities. We were two times sponsor of Rails Girls Istanbul and Ankara, Özgür Web Teknolojileri Günleri 2013, Rails Girls Summer of Code 2014, Jstanbul Meetup and PHP İstanbul
Highly focused on heavy Django application development and weekend training sessions. It’s been six years and finally I’ve managed to find enough time to re-design, re-build my humble company website.
I’ll publish mostly development related articles, examples, reviews and same sort of topics here in my company website.
Keep following vb YAZILIM, get in touch !